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Notable quotes by Pharma Leaders

Dr. Y . K. Hamied
Founder - Cipla Ltd
" My vision is to create a world where affordable, high-quality medicines are available to all, regardless of their economic status or geographical location. "

Kiran Muzumdar-Shaw
Founder - Biocon Ltd
" Innovation is the key to global competitiveness, and it is the only way the Indian pharma industry can address the unmet needs of patients around the world. "

Dr. Anji Reddy
Founder - Dr. Reddy's Lab
" The pharmaceutical industry must strive to improve accessibility and affordability of medicines while maintaining the highest standards of quality. "
Flow Chemistry
Flow chemistry, or continuous flow chemistry, is a chemical processing method where reactions occur within a continuous fluid stream, as opposed to traditional batch processes. It offers precise control, enhanced safety, scalability, rapid mixing, reduced waste generation, and access to otherwise challenging reactions. Flow chemistry finds applications in pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and specialty chemicals, facilitating the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceutical ingredients.

Jet Mill
A jet mill is a precision engineering device used for pulverizing, grinding, and milling various materials into fine powders. It operates on the principle of high-speed jets of gas or air that impact and disintegrate particles. These mills are renowned for their ability to produce ultra-fine particles with exceptional control over particle size and distribution. They find applications in industries like pharmaceuticals, food processing, and chemicals.
New product development in pharmaceutical industry
How drugs are developed today in the modern world and how the chemical engineer is instrumental in the development of new drugs.It is interesting to also know that on average it takes 12 years for an experimental drug to travel from the lab to your medicine cabinet.
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