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Blending is important unit operation of making material homogeneous. Drying and or Milling if performed in differnt lots then blending operation is performed.
Blending is performed to ensure material homogeneity. Blending is performed to mix same product different lots or different material in equal or different proportions as per process.
Blending process in short as :
Material charging into blender --> Rotating Blender for defined time (generally 30 min) --> Unloading the material in drums.
Key highlights :
Material should be loaded between 25 % - 65 % . Lesser or more will not guarantee homegeniety of material.
If different material mixing, then it recommended to charge material as one portion after one another instead of complete charging of one component and then another.
After Blending material is taken for further unit operation i.e. Sieving (Sifting).
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